Monday, June 17, 2013

Was Mike Pohl the real terrorist pilot

They are many conspiracies out here about 911.
The two most ridiculous claims are: It was not a conspiracy and the other extreme there were no planes.
First off the people who believe 911 was not a conspiracy are Idiots because how stupid would one have to be, to think only one person pulled the 911 attacks off. And the ones who believe their were no planes are idiots as well. My name is Dierdre Celeste Coddington Bonds de Cortes the “ex-roomate” of Siddiqui and Khan brothers. For years I have kept my story simply to the facts. I have never ever Publicly stated any theory I may have, Til Now. Let me make it clear, I am not saying this is what happened but It is the only logical theory I have came up with the facts that  I know due to my unique position. My opinion is open to change pending more information I later find out to be fact.

 Now, In my opinion the official story is not the the truth and any one who believes it, is an Idiot too.  Before the reader finishes this article two things will be for certain I really suck in English grammar and this world is full of Idiots. Which are the tools used to pulled off 911.  The  true Master mind is not Khalid Sheikh Mohamed he is just one of many Idiots that were manipulated or conditioned into thinking  he was. He simply supplied Idiots to get the United Airline pilots out of the way and turn on autopilot so the REAL terrorist  Pilot could take over.  Who was the REAL terrorist pilot? well let’s first listen to who Osama Ben Laden claimed the real pilots were.   {Video}
Notice in this “dream”    “They" (the Americans are the pilot.)  Any one who speaks their languages or knows the culture of Middle Easterns can understand  this was saying Americans  were the pilot in 911. They even laugh about their guys being the pilot. Because it is funny how any Idiot could believe they could be.

WHAT? Americans.  I suspect, the  REAL terrorist pilot was  Mike Phol or his  remote control rather.  Mike Phol, could have VERY EASILY  installed the remote control on the planes. In fact Unites Airlines  suspects this as well and is the real reason United Airlines reused to hire him back as" inspector" after he return from Iraq. Instead he now designs simulators and remote control for avionics, Ironic HUH?
 Who is the Phol family?
 James Phol is the  Head Honcho at GITMO Judge.
Now that you know that, lets tell you about Jeffery P Wade. Jeffery P Wade is married to a Janice Phol and both are lawyers in San Diego.  And both Janice Pohl and Jeffery P. Wade have made faked court orders to have all my web sites down and  for complete survielence  of me via internet,  Email. chat rooms, skype, talkshoe, etc With everyones personal information that contacts me or comes to my websites to be released to him. . (court order pg1).  (court order pg 2) Why in the world would Jeffery P Wade get a  crooked family court judge to sign over to him so much private information and surveilence on me in violation of freemdom of speech and privatecy with out a court hearing and over 3,000 miles from any  legal Jurisdiction. In fact if any other person in the United States were to have did such an illegal act giving themselves more power to spy on me than DHS has on a terrorist, they would be in federal prison. So why does Mr. Jeffery P Wade get so much power?
Is it because of who James Phol is? OR is it because who Mitchelle Wade is? After I try to report in 2002 what I saw when I lived with some of the accused 911 terrorist (most located at Gitmo)over a year from 1993 to 1994 , Many unreal conspiracies to shut me up, discredit me, arrest me, and even kill me, began to happen. At first I questioned my sanity but the fact they claimed I was so crazy I was not even American or that English was my first language, kept me questioning their “expert” opinions. I Knew who I was, no matter how many lawyers, Judges, Guardian ad litums and “experts” told me I wasn’t. I knew I was real,I knew where I had been and what all I had saw.  The fact they never tried to involve any REAL investigators to find out who I was or contact the American family I claimed was mine, let me know Something was astray.  In my Investigation into who the assholes that my husband Primitivo Cortes Cruz, his bothers: Domingo Cortes Cruz, Pablo Cortes Cruz, His cousins: Noe Martinez Escamilla, Moe Martinez Escamilla, Issiah Martinez Escamilla supplied illegal labor to; I began to understand why so many people had otive to be covering this up. Especially the Wades and  the Phols.

Reuters reported
In violation of campaign-finance laws,  Mitchell Wade was found to have reimbursed employees at his company, MZM Inc., who made campaign contributions to two other members of Congress. Campaign-finance records show that those lawmakers were Virginia Republican Rep. Virgil Goode and Florida Republican Rep. Katherine Harris. The charges indicate Wade did not inform either one that the contributions were unlawful. A spokeswoman for Harris, who as Florida's secretary of state played a key role in the 2000 disputed presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, said she had given the $52,000 she received from MZM employees to charity. A spokesman for Goode was not immediately available for comment. According to the charges he received at least $46,000 in illegal contributions from MZM. MZM operates several facilities in Goode's south-central Virginia district, including one that conducts background checks on foreign-owned defense contractors.

The Washington Post reported: "The congressman identifiable as Goode received $46,000 in such disguised contributions in 2003 and 2005, the court papers said. That was part of about $90,000 Wade and his workers contributed to Goode. Wade then asked the member to request appropriations for an MZM facility in his district, the Wade papers said, and a Goode staff member confirmed to Wade that the bill would include $9 million in funding."
The paper also noted: "The member identifiable as Harris received $32,000 in illegal donations from Wade and his employees in 2004. Documents filed with Wade's plea say that he took Harris to dinner early last year, where they discussed the possibility of another fundraiser and the possibility of getting funding for a Navy counterintelligence program in the member's district. One source familiar with the inquiry said Harris made such a request for funding, but it was not granted."
Mitchell Wade also contributed to the following political persons: RNC (Republican National Committee), John F Kerry (D), DNC Services Corporation (Democratic National Committee), Robert L Barr Jr. (R) Georgia, Elizabeth Dole (R) NC, Larry Craig (R) ID, Steve Chabot (R) OH, Zach Wamp (R) Tenn, Duncan Hunter (R) CA, Devon Gerald Nunes (R) CA, Jerry Lewis (R) CA, Robert Ney (R) OH, John William Warner (R) Virginia, C. W. Bill Young (R) Florida, National Republican Senatorial Committee, John Davidson the IV Rockefeller (D) WV, Richard G Renzi (R) Arizona, Mario Diaz-Balart (R) Florida, Floyd Davidson Spence (R) South Carolina, John Murtha (D) PN
All the above are verifiable at
MZM is also the IT company that gave the false info on weapon of mass destruction.

I would have never figured out that had I never received a (copy from an undisclosed source) of this “CRAZY” court order. A Super felony like that had me dig and boy did I find some bones.

My findings is complex, it would take a book and my English grammar would not allow me to pull that off.  To fully Understand who and what all happen on 911, America will have to be willing to except the truth about the following: We have a Immigration problem that needs to be fixed, CPS traffics Children, and almost everybody in America is Corrupt especial our Government officials.   Osama’s Video testimony sums it up, Alqueta did do it but “they were the pilots” the Americans. What Americans? Well the evidence points to Wade and Phols the question is who all help their asses?  Read more ehind my story here